Wednesday, December 15, 2021

the end of 2021

Hello bloggers today it is almost the end of this year so we've been asked questions of what we've been doing this year down below is my piece of work

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

paper aeroplane experiment

 Hello bloggers today we are making paper aeroplanes. you will need 3 pieces of paper, scissors,  ruler, pencil. too make all of these things that I'm going too make I made a glider which is a paper aeroplane.

then I made A hoop glider you basically need too make a straw made out of paper and then make two circles. One big one and one small one.You make the circles tape it too the straw put the small one in front and the big one at the back.

Then I made a ring glider too make it you have to get your third piece of paper. Then get the corner of your paper fold it too the corner that it is facing too. But move it too the right a little bit fold it up one centimetre. Then do it one more time fold the back of it too make a circle it into a circle. tape it up then your done.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Guy Fawkes

Hi bloggers,

today is Guy Fawkes day where we are able to celebrate by buying fireworks and having fun lighting them up and watching them explode in the sky with all the beautiful colours and listening to the loud pops in the air.

But did you ever wonder why it is called Guy Fawkes Day?

It actually has an interesting story behind it about a man called Guy Fawkes who plotted to kill the mean king by blowing him up with gunpowder.

You should look it up and tell me what you think of Guy Fawkes.


Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot | Tower of London | Historic Royal Palaces

Questions and Answers

1.What was the plan?

The plan was to blow up the castle and kill the king.

2.Why were the plotters upset?

Because the king was treating them bad and was mad at what they believed.

3.How did they get caught?

Guy Fawkes and some of his friends who plotted to blow up the king planned to blow him up during a parliament meeting. But that would mean that innocent people would also die and some of the plotters didn't think that was right. So, one of them wrote his brother a letter to tell him of their plan and then the letter was passed on to the kings guards.

4.How do I think about the actions of those involved in the plot?

I think that they acted evil because they could go up to the king and talk and even if he doesn't listen it's nothing to kill someone about. But i think the plotter who wrote the letter to save innocent people did the right thing in the end.

5. What do I think about Guy Fawkes and his plan?

I think that it is was too overboard. Wanting to kill someone is bad and there is no good reason for it. Even that person is mean. God doesn't like that because it's sinful. It is the wrong thing to do.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Venn Diagram

Here is a Venn Diagram comparing 2 different celebrations.

My family celebrates Easter each year so I made a venn diagram to show how what is different and the same between how we celebrate Easter and how Diwali is celebrated.

I learnt that we both celebrate with family and friends. 


 Hi bloggers 

During Diwali, people make Rangoli patterns, but we can't be at school to do some so we have to create a Mandala with our own patterns and share it.

What do you think of the colours and patterns that I chose?

Let me know if you like it!

Monday, November 1, 2021



Hi bloggers!

Today I learnt a lot of things about Diwali and how the people of India and all over the world celebrate this festival.

Check out my video presentation about some of the facts I found out about Diwali below and comment what you know or enjoy about celebrating Diwali.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween Poem

Hi bloggers

Halloween is coming up and I made a poem about it.

I had to have some help from my mum to find some rhyming words and putting ideas together. It took some time but I managed to do it.

Check it out down below!