Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Would you Rather...

Hi bloggers, 

today we have another Would You Rather question.

The question is would you rather pay money to travel into space or use that money to save the earth?

 I would rather save the earth from dying because that's where we live. If we left  the earth dying then we wouldn't have a home any longer. Secondly, its a waste of money to go to space in a rocket and try to find another plant to live on because we could just use our money and end the destruction of Earth

. My third reason is if the earth die's its over no one is going to live there will be no water food nothing so that's why we need to fight for our home. 



  1. Ka mau te wehi! This 'Would you rather...' question definitely made me think. How did you come up with it? I agree with you Axel. I would pay to save the Earth. It would be awesome to find more sustainable ways of living.

  2. Hi Axel my name is Miss Harland from NWS and I am visiting showcase blogs as part of our staff PLD today. I really like this question, and it's such a powerful way to get feedback and create engagement with your blogging audience. I am definitely with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders (google them :-). I think we should invest in earth now. I think space travel is exciting however I think it's important to support the planet and it's population now. I think mother earth is in crisis.


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