Wednesday, December 15, 2021

the end of 2021

Hello bloggers today it is almost the end of this year so we've been asked questions of what we've been doing this year down below is my piece of work

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

paper aeroplane experiment

 Hello bloggers today we are making paper aeroplanes. you will need 3 pieces of paper, scissors,  ruler, pencil. too make all of these things that I'm going too make I made a glider which is a paper aeroplane.

then I made A hoop glider you basically need too make a straw made out of paper and then make two circles. One big one and one small one.You make the circles tape it too the straw put the small one in front and the big one at the back.

Then I made a ring glider too make it you have to get your third piece of paper. Then get the corner of your paper fold it too the corner that it is facing too. But move it too the right a little bit fold it up one centimetre. Then do it one more time fold the back of it too make a circle it into a circle. tape it up then your done.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Guy Fawkes

Hi bloggers,

today is Guy Fawkes day where we are able to celebrate by buying fireworks and having fun lighting them up and watching them explode in the sky with all the beautiful colours and listening to the loud pops in the air.

But did you ever wonder why it is called Guy Fawkes Day?

It actually has an interesting story behind it about a man called Guy Fawkes who plotted to kill the mean king by blowing him up with gunpowder.

You should look it up and tell me what you think of Guy Fawkes.


Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot | Tower of London | Historic Royal Palaces

Questions and Answers

1.What was the plan?

The plan was to blow up the castle and kill the king.

2.Why were the plotters upset?

Because the king was treating them bad and was mad at what they believed.

3.How did they get caught?

Guy Fawkes and some of his friends who plotted to blow up the king planned to blow him up during a parliament meeting. But that would mean that innocent people would also die and some of the plotters didn't think that was right. So, one of them wrote his brother a letter to tell him of their plan and then the letter was passed on to the kings guards.

4.How do I think about the actions of those involved in the plot?

I think that they acted evil because they could go up to the king and talk and even if he doesn't listen it's nothing to kill someone about. But i think the plotter who wrote the letter to save innocent people did the right thing in the end.

5. What do I think about Guy Fawkes and his plan?

I think that it is was too overboard. Wanting to kill someone is bad and there is no good reason for it. Even that person is mean. God doesn't like that because it's sinful. It is the wrong thing to do.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Venn Diagram

Here is a Venn Diagram comparing 2 different celebrations.

My family celebrates Easter each year so I made a venn diagram to show how what is different and the same between how we celebrate Easter and how Diwali is celebrated.

I learnt that we both celebrate with family and friends. 


 Hi bloggers 

During Diwali, people make Rangoli patterns, but we can't be at school to do some so we have to create a Mandala with our own patterns and share it.

What do you think of the colours and patterns that I chose?

Let me know if you like it!

Monday, November 1, 2021



Hi bloggers!

Today I learnt a lot of things about Diwali and how the people of India and all over the world celebrate this festival.

Check out my video presentation about some of the facts I found out about Diwali below and comment what you know or enjoy about celebrating Diwali.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween Poem

Hi bloggers

Halloween is coming up and I made a poem about it.

I had to have some help from my mum to find some rhyming words and putting ideas together. It took some time but I managed to do it.

Check it out down below!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

 If your tired of walking and getting tired  then use this spell to make you fly

A piece of cloud 

20 bird wings 

A bird's beak 

Someone’s leg

A bubble

Bubble gum

Millions of leaves

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Shake Out 2021

Hi Bloggers!

Below is a Poster that I made to show people what to do if an earthquake happens.
What I found out is DROP, COVER, HOLD ON! These are the 3 words I can share with my family to try and keep us safe and prepared.

Are you prepared for an earthquake?

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Would you Rather...

Hi bloggers, 

today we have another Would You Rather question.

The question is would you rather pay money to travel into space or use that money to save the earth?

 I would rather save the earth from dying because that's where we live. If we left  the earth dying then we wouldn't have a home any longer. Secondly, its a waste of money to go to space in a rocket and try to find another plant to live on because we could just use our money and end the destruction of Earth

. My third reason is if the earth die's its over no one is going to live there will be no water food nothing so that's why we need to fight for our home. 


Friday, October 1, 2021

Duck Challenge

Hi bloggers,

Our class is entering a competition where we get to design our own ducks with whatever patterns we want.

I chose to design my duck with suns, a lightening bolt, some moons and a rocket ship on the ducks head because I like things from space. I think my duck looks cool, random and silly, just like me.

Below is a picture of my duck design.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Would You Rather Stay Still For One Hour Or Not Talk For One Day

Hi Bloggers,

Today, my teacher asked the class this question:
 Would you rather stay still for one hour or not talk for a day? 

I would rather not talk for a day because if I had to stay still for one hour, the bones in my legs would be sore from not moving them. I'd still be able to do things that I enjoy like jumping on the trampoline, play video games and running around. I would also be able to practise being quiet because that is a thing that I struggle with. 

What would you rather do? If you don't mind could you leave a comment down below.

6 Ways Remaining Silent Creates Pain, Wrongdoing And DespairMy advice to travelers: Learn how to stay still - Matador Network

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mental Health

Hi bloggers, 

This week is Mental health Awareness week and below is an example of what I like to do to help my metal health.

Something I like to do to Help my Mental Health

To help me with my mental health, I like to play games on my dads phone  because I like playing plants vs zombies. It makes me feel excited when I get power up’s and move up on different levels. When I play games it feels like I’m in another dimension and I am the one that is fighting the zombies in real life. I think it’s important to do things that you enjoy to help with your mental health because otherwise we would be mad, sad and stressed out.

How to win at Plants vs Zombies | TechRadar

What do you like to do to help with your mental health?

Thursday, September 23, 2021

100 Word Story Challenge

The Story of the Haunted Castle

The world's most spooky abandoned houses |

There it was, the haunted castle that everyone was too afraid to enter. Last week, my sister went in and she never came out. I became a brave big brother and went to go look for her. Just when I touched the doorknob, lightning struck from the sky but I still went to look for my sister. I opened the door and once I set foot in the castle the door slammed shut and I saw a doll staring at me. When I blinked it was gone. I heard breathing behind me and when I turned  there was the doll! (To be continued...)

Hi bloggers, I hope that you liked my story. My goal for the reader was to make you scared - did it work? Please leave a comment and let me know how I can improve my writing skills.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Where Would You Rather Be?

 If I could fly away on my rocket today, I would go to Canada because there are terrific places I can go. I could ride a ferry over to see the amazing waterfalls at Niagara Falls.

I could go hiking in the Rocky Mountains and go swimming in the lake to look for freshwater creatures there.  I could even do some fishing!

There’s also a cool thing that happens  in the sky in North Canada called the Northern Lights. The sky looks like an alien spaceship is coming because there’s a green and purple lightshow in the sky. It would be awesome to see!

Canada looks like an amazing place to visit. Where would you like to fly your rocket to?

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Would You Rather Stay Up Late Or Wake Up Early

Hi bloggers, my teacher asked me would you rather stay up late or wake up early. For me I would rather wake up early to get my homework finished more quickly. I will get to play my games more sooner  and I will get more time to play. We could go out for a walk and play soccer on the field, go for a car ride, bake a cake - lots of things! when I wake up early I have plenty of time to do things that I enjoy. What would you rather do?

Monday, September 20, 2021

Diary Of A Shark

Hi bloggers,

Here is what I think a diary might look like if I were a shark.

What I found challenging was trying to think of some ideas to write about but what I loved about doing this task was making up all the funny parts of the diary and writing about it.

I hope you like it!

Diary of a shark


Dear Diary, today I went to Shark School. Some of my friends are called Mako, Goblin, Hammer head, Tiger and Great White. Miss Shark was teaching the whole entire class how to hunt our food and not let our prey go. It was AWESOME!


Dear Diary, today when we were in class Whale Shark farted when he was reading his poem. It was SO loud, I think it caused a tsunami! After shark school was my birthday party. All of my friends showed up. Mako was just going crazy with the rock n roll sharks and my house was getting smashed! Even  my mum's favourite picture of me and her got thrown out the window because of Tiger. That party was CRAZY! Happy birthday to me.


Dear Diary, I’m happy because it’s almost the end of the week. Mum and Dad say that when it is the end of the week and I have finished all my homework, I can play in the sunken pirate ship tomorrow. I can't wait! Also, I lost 30 baby teeth today! I can’t wait for my razor sharp grown up teeth to grow. I hope the shark tooth fairy comes to visit me tonight. 


Dear Diary, me and my friends went to the sunken pirate ship today and you won’t believe what we found. Me and my friends were swimming around looking for treasure when we suddenly found a floating dead whale! Free meal! We saved some whale for Mum and Dad. They were so surprised and happy and they gobbled it all up straight away.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Fairytale with a Te Reo twist

 The Three Smart Wheke

Once upon a time, three smart wheke lived together in a large sparkling rockpool by the ocean. The rockpool used to be filled with lots of small ika, small papaka, pipi and tuangi but the three wheke ate through all their yummy kaimoana! The three wheke were very hungry and looked over at the moana and saw that there were plenty of kaimoana for them to eat. All they had to do was cross over some rough, bumpy rocks and climb into the moana.

Little Wheke agreed to go first. He started squiggling over the rocks with his tiny tentacles when all of a sudden a huge hungry karoro flew over and stopped  Little Wheke in his tracks. “HEY YOU! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING? COME HERE SO I CAN EAT YOU!” squawked the hungry karoro. Little Wheke was so frightened and said, “Please don’t eat me! I’m too little to eat. My brother is coming soon and he is much bigger than me.”

The karoro stopped and thought for a moment. “You’re too small for a snack. You can go ahead and I will wait for your brother”, said the karoro. The Little Wheke squiggled over the bumpy rocks and made it into the moana.

A little while later, it was Middle Wheke’s turn to squiggle over the bumpy rocks. All of a sudden, the hungry karoro swooped down again and squawked, “HEY YOU! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING? COME HERE SO I CAN EAT YOU!”Middle Wheke was afraid and said, “Please don’t eat me! I’m too little to eat. My brother is coming soon and he is much bigger than me.” The karoro stopped and thought again. “You’re too small for a snack. You can go ahead and I will wait for your brother”, said the karoro. The Middle Wheke squiggled over the bumpy rocks and made it into the moana.

Finally it was Big Wheke’s turn to cross the bumpy rocks.  With his huge, long, sloppy and slimy tentacles, Big Wheke started to pull himself across the bumpy rocks. The hungry karoro saw Big Wheke from above and felt super excited because now he could finally eat his yummy meal. Big Wheke saw the karoro flying in the air. The karoro circled the rockpool and was ready to swoop, but when he looked down again, Big Wheke was nowhere to be seen. The karoro was so confused and flew down onto the rocks to look for him. He searched and searched, but couldn’t find Big Wheke anywhere. That’s because Big Wheke had a special trick. He could camouflage himself to look like the bumpy rocks.

The karoro searched for a long time until he finally gave up and flew away. Big Wheke happily crawled over the bumpy rocks and slipped into the moana and joined his brothers. The three smart wheke’s lived happily ever after in the moana where there was lots of kaimoana for them to eat.

         Large Octopus Climbs Out of Shallow Rock Pool in Low Tide to Walk Across  Land In Search of Deeper Water

Can you tell what the original story is?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

My Pepeha

Kia ora bloggers!

This week is Maori language week so my teacher asked us too write a pepeha. A pepeha is like a short speech about who I am and where I come from.

I hope you enjoy my presentation.
The hard thing about my pepeha is that I needed to read the Maori words and record my self.
The fun thing about my pepeha is that I learnt how to read Maori words

Friday, September 10, 2021

Astronaut Or A Deep Sea Diver?

Hi bloggers,
Today our teacher asked us if we would want to be an Astronaut or a Deep Sea Diver.

I think I would rather be an astronaut because I could be in space floating past amazing stars that are really bright. I could see if aliens are real and see if there were other planets that the world hasn't discovered yet. I could even see Matariki up close and discover lots of other cool things.

Which one would you rather be?

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Tongan Holiday Itinerary

Tongan Holiday Itinerary 

Malo e lelei bloggers!
This week is Tongan Language Week and I made a holiday itinerary for me and my family for if we went on a holiday in Tonga.
The top 3 things that you must do is swimming with the whales, snorkelling at the lagoon and surfing at the warm beaches.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Cup Song

Kia ora bloggers!
This is the cup song.

The  hardest part of performing this piece was learning and remembering the moves and trying to stay in beat.

The thing that I enjoyed the most was after lots of practice, i finally nailed it and had fun with my mum who learnt it with me.

I hope you enjoy the video and give it a go!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

I would rather be able to fly because I could go to different types of islands and discover new ones too. I could go to Hawaii and swim in their magnificent oceans and learn different languages. I could learn how to speak french, samoan - any language! I could also enjoy the fresh air and enjoy doing activities that I have never done before and visit whoever I wanted at any time I want. And, I wont have to drive anywhere! That is why i I would rather be able to fly.                                                                                                                                                                                      Cheerful Businessman With Drawn Wings Flying In Sky Stock Photo, Picture  And Royalty Free Image. Image 57156855.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

I wrote a poem about a cardboard box.

The thing that I liked is writing the poem because I can imagine the cardboard box could be anything.
The thing that I did not like was recording my self because I kept making mistakes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

tokyo olympics

Assalamualaikum bloggers today I went to the Tokyo Olympics fans zone and we got to go in the game room where you can play golf and we can do some racing and we could do bean bag tossing.We can play all kinds of stuff.

I really liked watching the Olympic people playing.I liked figuring out how to write my name in Japanese.I liked riding on the bus.I liked having pictures from my mum.

I learnt that 1386 people from New Zealand went to the Olympics.We met a real Olympic player.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

term 2 Reflection

hello bloggers. this is a piece of about of term 2. I am having a good feeling about term 2 because I am looking forward to learning at school.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021


talofa lava bloggers

I've learnt how rockets fly. Rockets use aerodynamics. We made rockets out of bottles. When we launched our rockets my teams rocket went 14m.8cm. We learnt to not launch your rocket when it is a rainy and windy day. It will just be blown away.We learnt what mass means like when a object is heavyRoket GIFs | TenorMissile Clipart Raket - Rocket Animation PNG Image | Transparent PNG Free  Download on SeekPNGRocket GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER

Thursday, June 24, 2021

 talofa lava bloggers. My waka has totara wood because it is really light,it could possibly, make the waka fast.My waka is v shaped because it will have hulls.I made my sails Maori because it has lots of sails ,and it helps it go faster.My job on the boat is steering the took a long time making a waka from paterson class.Learning how Māori ancestors got around the world by waka hourua |


 I learnt that ctrl w is delete the tab that you are on.I learnt that ctrl+shift t summons a tab that you deleted by accident.I learnt that ctrl+n is open a window.Copy and past is ctrl+c then ctrl+v.I learnt how to turn off your screen it is search+l.I learnt that ctrl+t is make a new tab.I learnt that ctrl+shift+q.i learnt that ctrl+a+backspace is delete all of your righting.

wave finding navigation

Hi bloggers 

Did you know that a different way of saying Matariki is Pleiades. 

Matariki is also linked with the environment. It helps us know when to plant the crops.It provides the people  with food.

Way finding navigation is a Polynesian technique for sailing:

-using a star compass a star compass is a circle that shows where they are going to.

They use there hands if they forget where they are going.
They use  the sea they use the currents of the sea.they use the wind to blow the boat.

Paterson class has been learning about wave finding navigation.

How far they'll go: Moana shows the power of Polynesian celestial navigation

Nothing but Salt...


Thursday, May 27, 2021

 Hi bloggers !
 we learnt sentences about rockets my favourite sentence is :

did you know that when a rocket gets into space it splits in half and when it does, the tippy-top of the rocket shoots like a shooting star.Orion spacecraft GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER

Thursday, May 13, 2021


kia ora bloggers

this week is sign language this week papaJared taught us how to spell our name's in sign language.We learnt  the sign for whanau and Aotearoa.

 I enjoyed making  the video.The hardest thing was to show everybody how to make your name in sign language.